Hello. I just downloaded the latest version of Firefox, and I also downloaded a bunch of little add-ons for it, one of which is called Performancing, which puts a little button down at the bottom of my Firefox web browser. This button, when clicked on, pulls up this little mini-blog window, in which I'm now composing this blog entry. (Maybe I'll stop using the word 'blog'.) So...
I've been on hold at Planned Parenthood for, let's see, over 10 minutes now. I wonder if they'll ever pick up.
I feel like I've spent much of the day procrastinating. But you never know how these little investments in time (checking out and downloading add-ons for Firefox) will pay off in the future.
Planned Parenthood did finally answer.
Oh, yeah, I haven't been hanging out in Second Life lately, but I noticed that Juliette Cordreaux and other of my Aesthetics Buddies are involved in some sort of UTD funded Second Life Group. So now, of course, I want to be in the group too.
I feel like Julianne Moore's character in Boogie Nights in that scene where she's reeeal high in the bedroom with Rollergirl, talking like non-stop. I'm pretty excited now, but I'm not sure how to express it, and I don't want to make a fool of myself either. Hey, is there any way to see if ANYONE has seen my LOG entries except for me? If nobody else has, then maybe I wouldn't worry so much about what I write. i was gonna say, maybe I could start doing my morning pages in here, safe from Emily's greedy eyes, but then, Would Julia Cameron really approve of me doing my morning pages at a KEYBOARD?! I think not.
But then, maybe I can find a blog place (FlickR?) where I can post the stuff that I write on my TABLET! Yes! I've been wanting to start using it, and what better way to get used to it than to write morning pages? I've already put it on the to-do list in my planner.
Sometimes i feel ... lost that train of thought. No, there it is again, sometimes I feel like I'm paying too much attention to trivial things. Like almost all of my thoughts that I think during the day were practically worthless. And even though they may be worthless, I feel the need to get them out, like this. And then maybe I won't have to think them anymore.
Maybe it's time to go back and read my old journals. But when am I going to do that? I've only got stacks and shelves of books I'm lookin forward to reading during this short break between the summer and fall semesters.
Hmm. I've got stuff on me old to-do list. Better get to some of it. This has been a fun first exploration of Performancing (strange name). I'll probably use it again.
Firefox has been acting VERY strange since I added all these crazy add-ons.
All right, bye now.
I've been on hold at Planned Parenthood for, let's see, over 10 minutes now. I wonder if they'll ever pick up.
I feel like I've spent much of the day procrastinating. But you never know how these little investments in time (checking out and downloading add-ons for Firefox) will pay off in the future.
Planned Parenthood did finally answer.
Oh, yeah, I haven't been hanging out in Second Life lately, but I noticed that Juliette Cordreaux and other of my Aesthetics Buddies are involved in some sort of UTD funded Second Life Group. So now, of course, I want to be in the group too.
I feel like Julianne Moore's character in Boogie Nights in that scene where she's reeeal high in the bedroom with Rollergirl, talking like non-stop. I'm pretty excited now, but I'm not sure how to express it, and I don't want to make a fool of myself either. Hey, is there any way to see if ANYONE has seen my LOG entries except for me? If nobody else has, then maybe I wouldn't worry so much about what I write. i was gonna say, maybe I could start doing my morning pages in here, safe from Emily's greedy eyes, but then, Would Julia Cameron really approve of me doing my morning pages at a KEYBOARD?! I think not.
But then, maybe I can find a blog place (FlickR?) where I can post the stuff that I write on my TABLET! Yes! I've been wanting to start using it, and what better way to get used to it than to write morning pages? I've already put it on the to-do list in my planner.
Sometimes i feel ... lost that train of thought. No, there it is again, sometimes I feel like I'm paying too much attention to trivial things. Like almost all of my thoughts that I think during the day were practically worthless. And even though they may be worthless, I feel the need to get them out, like this. And then maybe I won't have to think them anymore.
Maybe it's time to go back and read my old journals. But when am I going to do that? I've only got stacks and shelves of books I'm lookin forward to reading during this short break between the summer and fall semesters.
Hmm. I've got stuff on me old to-do list. Better get to some of it. This has been a fun first exploration of Performancing (strange name). I'll probably use it again.
Firefox has been acting VERY strange since I added all these crazy add-ons.
All right, bye now.