Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Money Job. I need to pay my rent. Any help will be appreciated.
Here's a good project we can start on: a 2-D video ad for the service (to be followed by an in-world, real-time kind of product placement ad). Here's a scenario. It'll probably be captured from SL.

Some freaky avatar is mooning over some other avatar. A thought bubble comes out of avatar 1: How can I ever get her to notice me?

He turns slightly to his right and sees the store front of our singing telegram venture. Thought bubble: What's this now? Avatar 1 scratches his head and walks into the store. There a helpful clerk shows Avatar 1 how to browse through a portfolio of telegrams, shows Avatar 1 how to customize one, etc.

We see Avatar 1's love interest receiving a telegram. Avatars 1 and 2 run into each other's virtual arms in slow motion to beautiful cheesy music. Our cute spokes-thing (maybe this was also the clerk in the store) comes in for a close-up and suggests to the viewer that perhaps our service will enhance their life for a moderate fee.

Suggestions? Comments?
EMAC Friends,
I want some help on a project. It's a singing telegram business in Second Life. I think this will make us all fabulously rich. Or not. But maybe it will be fun to work on.
Here's some possible names for the venture. What do you think of:

SLinging Telegrams

The first big goal is to create a portfolio of singing telegrams for different occasions, ie. happy birthday, generic congratulations, I love you honey, Your days are numbered.
Diana had some great ideas, like Romeo and Juliette balcony scene, or a mariachi band. And designing Singing Telegrams in different genres, to cater to different tastes.
We also want a storefront with some fun, laid-back, colorful architecture where hypothetical customers or loiterers can come and choose from existing Singing Telegrams. (I'll just call 'em STs from here.) Hm, ST, add a D at the end for some reason, say, Singing Telegram Designers, STDs for short, catchy? Stupid? You be the judge!

I want help with the following fun activities: writing "fun" scenarios, costume design, building design, acting, scripting, ad nauseum.
Email me at lmj062000(AT) if you're interested, and let me know some possible times when we could meet to talk about this, like maybe next week.
Wednesdays and Thursdays are not good for me. All other mornings and afternoons are fairly open.
Oh, and please help us choose a name! Any and all (nice) feedback is appreciated.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've decided to focus this web log. Hopefully that will make it more fun to read.
1) I will start a new, private web log where I can draft without fear.
2) I will review that log on a regular basis (this is the hard part) and select parts that I want to go on to this public log.

I like this idea, because the private log has an advantage other than just being an early, rough draft of the public log: I will be able to search it! I wish I could use Google's technology to search through the overflowing boxes of spiral notebooks up in my closet. That would be awesome. I'll bet my future self will thank me for setting this in motion.

I'm not yet sure exactly what the focus of the public log will be, or how tight the focus will be.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I just joined and the Internet Archive. I'm going to try to upload some video there, then display that video in my SL studio.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why am I writing this blog?

Okay, most of my writing 'til now has been in the form of journals, which are supposed to be read only by me.  Sometimes a sneaky girlfriend will intrude on my private ramblings, and then we'll fight and cry. 
Because she misinterprets what I write.  Because that stuff isn't meant to be read by anyone else but me, so I don't feel the need to explain things.  It's almost like a secret code, right?, and someone else who reads it might THINK they understand what it's saying, but really they don't, because they're not me, and they don't know the code. 
And it's probably fool-hardy of me to take this same attitude into this potentially-very-public blog.  But my instinct is just to go with the flow and let it all hang out. 
I have beside my bed a book called The Hacker Ethic, which I want to get around to reading, because I think it will help me clarify my position on privacy and freedom of information and keeping secrets (such as business plans).  And maybe it will help me come to a decision on how to treat this blog, which at the moment is proceeding willy-nilly. 
Ultimately, I want to use it to share ideas on politics and spirituality and technology and humor and emerging media, but for the moment I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the simple concept of the Blog. 
(What a horrible word, by the way.  It's the sound of vomiting.  I said I wasn't going to use it anymore, but I'm not as consistent as I could be.)
Okay, so why am I writing this LOG?  I am writing it for myself, Foodie Figtree, delver into this mystery we call life.  Because I enjoy typing and watching my words appear magically on the screen.
But there has to be more to it than that if I'm to continue, because I can type and watch my words appear magically on the screen without sending them out for everyone to look at.
So maybe it's a sense of danger that compels me to continue.  Because it seems likely, based on my experience, that these LOG entries will come back to haunt me, that people will use them against me somehow.  Or maybe I'm just paranoid. 
Maybe I think there's value in exposing the flaws in my thinking and judgement.  Maybe someone can benefit from seeing my insecurity and confusion.  Maybe it's just more compelling for a reader: a crazy, un-polished, unpredictable flow. 
Anyhoo, I doubt that this LOG will harm anyone besides myself, and I affirm that I'm aware enough not to write anything in this LOG that will harm myself, so there, let's be done with that train of thought.
Oh, yes, the big reason I'm writing this LOG:  when strong artificial intelligence comes around, say in the next 20 years or so (if it's not here already!), it will have this record of my output; and hopefully this will be a basis for it to give me preferential treatment.  Like, say, maybe I want some resources to make an art project, and I don't know where to go to get the resources, and then some sweet AI (let's call it the Void, just for fun) will decide to pop those resources into my life.  And I'll say to myself, Gosh, I'm glad I decided to write that LOG so long ago, otherwise I'd be dead.
Yes, having said that, you must now suspect that I will represent myself unrealistically on this LOG, playing up my nice qualities, and ignoring my ugly traits.  But I'll bet I'm leaving such a trail of digital information (about my purchases, my travel, my online activity, etc.) that an AI will be able to form a more complete picture of me than what this simpe LOG is painting. 
Hm, I guess that's some FOOD FOR THOUGHT.


Hello.  I just downloaded the latest version of Firefox, and I also downloaded a bunch of little add-ons for it, one of which is called Performancing, which puts a little button down at the bottom of my Firefox web browser.  This button, when clicked on, pulls up this little mini-blog window, in which I'm now composing this blog entry.  (Maybe I'll stop using the word 'blog'.)  So...
  I've been on hold at Planned Parenthood for, let's see, over 10 minutes now.  I wonder if they'll ever pick up.
  I feel like I've spent much of the day procrastinating.  But you never know how these little investments in time (checking out and downloading add-ons for Firefox) will pay off in the future.
  Planned Parenthood did finally answer.
  Oh, yeah, I haven't been hanging out in Second Life lately, but I noticed that Juliette Cordreaux and other of my Aesthetics Buddies are involved in some sort of UTD funded Second Life Group.  So now, of course, I want to be in the group too. 
  I feel like Julianne Moore's character in Boogie Nights in that scene where she's reeeal high in the bedroom with Rollergirl, talking like non-stop.  I'm pretty excited now, but I'm not sure how to express it, and I don't want to make a fool of myself either.  Hey, is there any way to see if ANYONE has seen my LOG entries except for me?  If nobody else has, then maybe I wouldn't worry so much about what I write.  i was gonna say, maybe I could start doing my morning pages in here, safe from Emily's greedy eyes, but then, Would Julia Cameron really approve of me doing my morning pages at a KEYBOARD?!  I think not.
  But then, maybe I can find a blog place (FlickR?) where I can post the stuff that I write on my TABLET!  Yes!  I've been wanting to start using it, and what better way to get used to it than to write morning pages?  I've already put it on the to-do list in my planner. 
  Sometimes i feel ... lost that train of thought.  No, there it is again, sometimes I feel like I'm paying too much attention to trivial things.  Like almost all of my thoughts that I think during the day were practically worthless.  And even though they may be worthless, I feel the need to get them out, like this.  And then maybe I won't have to think them anymore. 
  Maybe it's time to go back and read my old journals.  But when am I going to do that?  I've only got stacks and shelves of books I'm lookin forward to reading during this short break between the summer and fall semesters. 
  Hmm.  I've got stuff on me old to-do list.  Better get to some of it.  This has been a fun first exploration of Performancing (strange name).  I'll probably use it again.
  Firefox has been acting VERY strange since I added all these crazy add-ons.
  All right, bye now.